Digital Radio Reaches New High

The latest RAJAR data shows Britain moving steadily towards full digital adoption, with the “Digitally Enabled Universe” covering over half of the UK adult population for the first time in Q1 2006.
The growth sees the number of adults equipped to receive digital radio in one form or another rise from 24.6 million last quarter to 25.5 million, pushing the percentage of those Britons with the technology from 49.8% to 51.5%.
The new figures show 13.6% of the population living in DAB enabled households, up from 11.1% in the previous quarter. In addition, 20.8% claimed to have listened to the radio via the Internet in Q1, compared to 20.2% in the last quarter of 2005.
Meanwhile, 36.5% now listen to digital radio via digital television, compared to 35.8% in the previous quarter.
By applying the platform shares to the latest RAJAR data, the audience measurement body now reports that 11.4% of all radio listening in the UK is conducted via a digital platform.
The new statistics were quickly welcomed by the Digital Radio Development Bureau, with chief executive Ian Dickens stating: “As sales of DAB digital radios continue to grow, and more people are listening to the unique services on offer, it proves the point that digital technology delivers better radio in more places, and that is the recipe for a mass market medium.”
Further data from RAJAR shows listening via mobile phones continuing to increase, with 8.8% of all adults with a mobile phone claiming to listen to the radio using the device. This equates to 3.2 million adult mobile listeners in total, while 1.3 million (21.2%) of 15-24 year olds with a mobile phone listen in this way.
Radio listening via the internet is also continuing its increase in popularity, with 20.8% of the population now claiming to have used their PCs to tune in to the radio. The new figures mark a 3.5% point increase year on year.
Those listening online also appear to be using the technology more frequently, with RAJAR’s figures showing those listening “at least once a week” numbering 10.8%, up from 8.6% in the same period of 2005. Those listening “less than once a week” have also risen, although not as fast, adding 0.8% points year on year to total 8% of radio’s online audience.
RAJAR: 0207 903 5350