
Digital Subscriber Lines Continue Upward Trend

Digital Subscriber Lines Continue Upward Trend

The latest analysis of the worldwide digital subscriber line (DSL) market by broadband market research company Point Topic indicates that digital subscriber DSL subscriptions have risen by 85.3 million by September 2004, and are forecasted to reach 100 million lines by early 2005.

This is a 56% increase from the 54.6 million lines in the same quarter last year and an increase of 30.7 million lines on the previous quarter in 2004.

Broadband markets in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) are catching up with Asia Pacific according to the report, with subscriptions rising to reach 34% with a total of 28.6 million lines. This is because of strong growth in Western Europe, where lines have almost doubled to reach 34%.

In contrast, Asia Pacific’s share of subscriptions have fallen from 50% to 45% in the last 12 months, reaching 38.7 million lines. Elsewhere, the Americas have maintained a share of 21% with 18.0 million lines.

China has retained its position as the world’s leading DSL country, achieving 13.7 million lines in the third quarter of 2004, while Japan take second spot with 12.7 million lines. The US follows closely with 12.6 million.

The US added the most lines in the quarter with 1.2 million additions, while China added around 990,000 lines. The UK is ranked fourth and added 607,000 million lines, beating Germany and France.

Thailand is the clear leader in the top ten, almost doubling its lines to reach 109,000 and obtain a 96% growth rate. Mexico came in second place with a solid 34% growth to reach 456,000 lines.

The DSL market in Australia has increased by 28% to reach 910,000 lines, and the UK is the leading Western Europe country achieving 22% growth to obtain 3.3 million lines.

European countries are catching up with Asia Pacific in terms of DSL penetration and Denmark is predicted to catch up with Hong Kong in 2005, passing 11 lines per 100 citizens. However, South Korea still remains the leader with 14 DSL lines per 100 people, pushing Hong Kong and Taiwan into joint second place with between 11 and 13 lines per 100 residents.

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