
Digital TV Round-Up – January 2002

Digital TV Round-Up – January 2002

BARB viewing data for the first month of 2002 showed that again ITV1 saw a year on year drop in all homes, from a share of just below 30% to a share of just over 26%. However, its terrestrial rival, BBC1 did not see much movement year on year, while the largest increase in viewing share across all homes was for Other channels.

Channel 5 saw a good year on year improvement in its January viewing share across all homes, breaching the 6% share mark. Although its share remains the smallest, catching up with Channel 4 and BBC2 does not look impossible, especially in digital homes.

The BBC channels saw the improvements in viewing share in digital homes during January, although both only saw increases of less than one percentage point. Share slippage was witnessed at ITV1, which fell just below the 20% mark year on year, although in these households it remains ahead of BBC1. Share was also down year on year for Other channels.

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