
Digital TV To Take Off In Latin America

Digital TV To Take Off In Latin America

A new report from Informa Telecoms & Media shows that digital TV will make major inroads in Latin America over the next five years.

Digital TV households will more than treble in that time – from 5.9 million at present to 22.8 million by 2012. The 11th edition of Informa’s Americas TV report discovered that while Brazil and Mexico now combine to account for more 66% of the region’s digital subscribers, this will drop to 55% in 2012 – as other countries see their services start to be successful.

Adam Thomas, author of the report, said: “The outlook for the Latin American broadcast sector is better now than it has been for many years.

“Macroeconomic factors are generally upbeat while companies such as Telmex and Telefonica are ramping up their investment in the broadcast sector. All of this is having a positive impact on pretty much all of the TV platforms.”

Digital TV households (000) 
  2006  2012 
Argentina 583 3,639
Brazil 1,727 5,566
Chile 326 1,586
Colombia 121 2,091
Mexico 2,177 6,898
Puerto Rico 447 727
Venezuela 310 1,098
Rest of Region 253 1,150
Latin Total  5,943  22,756 
Canada 6,023 12,237
US 67,621 118,162
North America Total  73,644  130,399 
Americas Total  79,587  153,154 
Source: Informa Telecoms & Media
Note: All figures refer to year-end.

According to Thomas: “Deregulation in the telco sector has encouraged cable operators to up their game via network improvements. The result is that cable is much better positioned to compete in terms of content and functionality.

“Consolidation in the satellite sector has also started to pay off and the renewed confidence in DTH was demonstrated by Telefonica’s decision to launch a new platform.”

Looking at the Americas as a whole, the US is, as would be expected, the dominant force. In 2006 it had 67.6 million digital subscribers – 85% of the pan-continental total. By 2012 this proportion is expected to fall to 77%.

A recent report from Understanding & Solutions said that the global demand for set-top boxes is expected to reach an annual 120 million units by 2011 (see Global Demand For Set-Top Boxes Set To Rise).

Meanwhile, the IPA’s Trends In Television report for Q1 2007 revealed that digital TV penetration in the UK now stands at 73.5% (see Viewing Levels Lowest For Almost A Decade).

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