
Display ad campaigns boost search visits 14%

Display ad campaigns boost search visits 14%


Display ad campaigns can increase visits from search engines by nearly 14% and can boost paid-search click-throughs by nearly 15%, according to a new study by iCrossing.

The digital marketing company found that display campaigns assisted brand awareness, brand recognition and brand preference by attracting online users to visit the website.

Running a display campaign causes a statistically significant increase in search traffic, specifically search visits, unique visits and search click-throughs, iCrossing found. Paid search cost-per-click was lowered during the display campaign, which it said shows that targeted display campaigns can help other media campaigns reach cost efficiency.

iCrossing said that the whitepaper was written in response to “a lack of awareness in the digital marketing industry as to the impact of display media on other digital channels.” As part of the report, iCrossing analysed before, during and after data from display advertising campaigns run for several of its clients.

The IAB Europe’s recent AdEx Report predicted UK display online adspend will decline by 4% to €628.5 million this year, the first fall since 2001.

UK search advertising, said the IAB, will grow by 3% in 2009, to €2.1 million, with a 4% increase in 2010.

Eslewhere eMarketer predicted that growth in UK online ad spending will be just 0.9% this year.

However, internet spending is expected to regain some momentum in 2010, when the economy begins to rebound, and approach 10% growth in 2011. The London Olympics will fuel a further spurt of activity in 2012 and push spending growth into double digits, said eMarketer.

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