
DRDB Launches First Press Ad Campaign

DRDB Launches First Press Ad Campaign

A Digital Radio The Digital Radio Development Bureau (DRDB) is to launch its first press advertising campaign this month, with a series of ads appearing in a broad cross section of national newspapers.

The content driven ads will highlight the range of programming available on DAB digital radio stations and will mostly appear around television listings and in weekend supplements.

The strapline for the ads is “More Stations, More Choice” and the first one runs in The Times and The Guardian on June 19 and continues weekly through the end of July, before rn=unning again from the start of October to the end of November, meaning the campaign will run for a total of four months.

Ian Dickens, chief executive DRDB, said: “Consumers want DAB digital radios for the programmes that come out of the box and this campaign highlights the different genres available on DAB, in a witty, simple way.

“This is the first time the DRDB has used print advertising to reach radio listeners. We think the campaign will bring a good balance to the promotional work our radio stakeholders continue to deliver on air.”

Initiative carried out the planning and buying for the campaign and Initiative’s head of radio, Jonathan Barrowman, said: “Our appointment is a great endorsement from a key trade body and complements Initiative’s ongoing work in promoting the benefits of DAB digital radio.”

DRDB: 020 7306 2630 www.drdb.org

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