
DSL Growth Is ‘Telecoms Success Story’, Says Point Topic

DSL Growth Is ‘Telecoms Success Story’, Says Point Topic

The rate of worldwide DSL broadband subscriber growth increased during the second half of last year and continues to be a ‘telecoms success story’, according to a new report from Point Topic.

The report says that growth was stronger than the first half in both absolute and percentage terms, with operators across the globe signing up new customers, despite what has been a difficult period for the communications industry. Almost every top 50 market saw double-digit growth in H2 2002, partly due to a seasonal effect seen in computers and electronic consumer goods purchases.

Point Topic says that the figures represent clear evidence that DSL is firmly established in a pattern of steady growth. However, this does not necessarily mean that every country will see the growth rates enjoyed by South Korea and Japan, where particular social and geographical factors are behind rapid broadband take-up.

The UK saw growth of 89.3% year on year in H2 2002, putting it second in the top ten, behind China’s substantial 214.0% jump. Despite this strong growth, though, the UK’s DSL market is still too small to feature in the top ten markets in absolute terms (currently led by the US). Even in terms of penetration – for which South Korea is top – the UK does not yet make the top ten.

The report also notes that the importance of cable modems needs to be taken into account in the analysis of many broadband markets, particularly the USA, Canada, Austria, the Netherlands and the UK, where they are more numerous than DSL.

Top Ten Countries For % Growth In DSL Lines, H2 2002 
Rank  Country  H2 2002 % growth 
1 China 214.0
2 UK 89.3
3 France 86.9
4 Finland 82.5
5 Switzerland 77.9
6 Israel 72.4
7 Chile 71.4
8 Japan 70.9
9 Australia 70.5
10 Netherlands 69.6
Note: Only countries with over 100,000 DSL lines are listed. 
Source: Point Topic, March 2003 

Full year figures show a worldwide growth of 90.8%, taking the total number of DSL subscribers to 35.9 million. A majority 86.1% of these customers are residential, with just 13.9% of lines rented by businesses.

Western Europe showed growth of 121.0%, taking its total subs to 9.4 million.

DSL Lines (000s) As At Year-End 2002 
   Total Subscribers  Residential Subscribers  Residential % of total  Business Subscribers  Business % of total  % Annual Growth 
Asia-Pacific 14,518 12,977 89.4 1,540 10.6 82.6
Western Europe 9,379 7,638 81.4 1,741 18.6 121.0
North America 8,177 6,894 84.3 1,283 15.7 48.4
South & East Asia 2,652 2,489 93.9 163 6.1 321.8
Latin America 875 698 79.8 177 20.2 117.4
Middle East & Africa 173 137 79.0 37 21.0 262.1
Eastern Europe 124 70 56.2 54 43.8 274.9
World total  35,897  30,903  86.1  4,994  13.9  90.8 
Source: Point Topic, March 2003 

Point Topic forecasts that whilst DSL percentage growth rates will naturally drop as the customer base gets larger, growth in absolute terms should remain relatively steady after initial, rapid expansion.

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