
Dynamic Logic Launches New Research Tool For Sponsors

Dynamic Logic Launches New Research Tool For Sponsors

Dynamic Logic has launched a new tool enabling advertisers to more accurately measure the effectiveness of their sponsorship activity, in a move that will bring increased accountability to media owners.

The research application aims to help advertisers evaluate the impact of their sponsorship on brand perception. It also investigates the intent to purchase the products at the centre of the activity.

Operating as a pop-up survey, AdIndex Sponsorship samples consumers both before and after promotional activity. This methodology provides advertisers with a control group with which to compare post-campaign results, something which is currently exclusive to Dynamic Logic. The control group also helps advertisers isolate the effects of particular sponsorship from other, unconnected activity.

Explaining the need for products like AdIndex Sponsorship, Suzanne Moorey-Denham, managing director of Dynamic Logic Europe, said: “Sponsorships are used to forge a link between an advertiser/brand and the sponsored event, editorial section or activity, creating a positive halo effect surrounding that brand.”

She added: “The desired effect of a sponsorship is for consumers to evaluate the brand more highly because of its connection to the sponsored initiative. Using AdIndex Sponsorship, advertisers are able to address the unique aspects of sponsorships by assessing the consumer experience to see if, in fact, a positive connection was made.”

However, the product may run into difficulty, launching only weeks after software giant Microsoft fired the latest salvo in its battle against intrusive online advertising, moving to block pop-up and pop-under adverts with a new version of its popular Internet Explorer browser (see Microsoft Moves To Block Pop-Ups From Websites).

In February, research firm Bunnyfoot Universality published a study which showed that internet users have learnt to almost completely ignore the existence of pop-ups, viewing them as a major cause of irritation and branding them a major turn-off (see Internet Users Completely Ignore Pop-Up Advertising).

Dynamic Logic: 0207 152 4004 www.dynamiclogic.com

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