
Email Becomes More Popular As A Marketing Tool

Email Becomes More Popular As A Marketing Tool

Email is being accepted as a marketing tool, with over half of consumers wishing that it would replace telemarketing, however, a new study from Doubleclick revealed that two-thirds of emails received are still considered as spam.

As well as 49% of people surveyed seeing email marketing as a replacement for telemarketing, 45% of respondents said this is taking over from direct mail, as well as a growing number of people seeing this as a replacement for bills and statements sent to their home.

When survey respondents were asked what they would like this replace, 54% said telemarketing, 45% in-person sales calls and 40% said direct mail to postal addresses.

DoubleClick’s 2004 Consumer Email Study, also reveals that consumers are more likely to make purchases either on or off-line in response to permission-based emails received from retailers, with travel and clothing having the highest penetration rate, followed by food, couponing and home furnishings.

According to the report, 32% of consumers clicked-through immediately and purchased items that were relevant, 30% clicked-through to fine out more information and then returned later on to purchase online and 12% clicked to fine information and then purchased off-line.

Despite email users remaining concerned about spam, the worry has waned, with 85% citing this as a privacy problem, compared to 89% in 2003.

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