
Email To Drive Mobile Data Revenues In Europe

Email To Drive Mobile Data Revenues In Europe

Mobile operators and technology providers are yet to fully exploit the business market for mobile data services, according to a recent report by Analysys.

The telecoms consultancy found that although businesses account for 15% of mobile operators’ customers and 40% of mobile voice revenue, they generate only 11% of mobile service revenue from non-voice services in Western Europe.

This discrepancy has been put down to failings in the infrastructure with the business community still unconvinced about networks, applications, devices, implementation options and pricing models.

However, Analysys believes that mobile email will emerge to breathe life into the sector and change customer attitudes. At present, less than 1% of those with a business mobile phone use mobile email, but penetration may rise to 40% by 2008.

Senior and middle managers are regarded as primary targets and the report claims that mobile service revenue generated by email could increase from â‚Ź49 million in 2003 to â‚Ź2.9 billion in five years time.

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