
Emap Launches Digital Living Magazine

Emap Launches Digital Living Magazine

Emap Logo Emap Active, the specialist magazine producer, has announced the launch of Digital Living, a magazine to guide readers through the maze of new digital technology.

The magazine will target men aged 30 and over who buy consumer electronics, including mp3 players, TVs, hi-fis and cameras.

Digital Living will be edited by Bruce Black, who published What Hi-Fi for many years and is well known in the world of consumer magazines.

The Autumn 2006 launch issue of Digital Living goes on sale on October 5.

Black said: “Personally I have struggled to find the information I want about digital products and the whole convergence arena. It’s a massively vibrant market but equally somewhat daunting and confusing.

“With Digital Living, my aim, and the experienced team of writers we have assembled, is to tell it like it is, covering the digital ground through features, interviews, tests and practical hands on information. And above all else, we want it to be a damn good read.”

Rob Croxall, general manager, said: “Digital Living was created as we believe there’s a gap for male magazine readers, who have embraced the digital revolution and have a thirst for knowledge which is currently not being serviced by the current range of lifestyle or specialist titles.

“We want to produce a magazine that will demystify the digital world and give its readers reassurance and confidence. Although the men’s market as a whole is having a tough time, specialist titles like our own Digital Photo, go from strength to strength, and that gives us a great deal of confidence in the concept of Digital Living

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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