
EMAP Retains Lead In Struggling Teen Sector

EMAP Retains Lead In Struggling Teen Sector

The latest figures from ABC show that for teenage magazines circulation levels have fallen by over 327,346 over the past year, a 9.7% decrease in sales.

Some magazines have fared better than others however, and Mizz, More, Live & Kicking and the recently launched Girl Talk have all experienced growth in circulation. The worst affected magazine is Big, with a 25.2% decrease in sales. This magazine recently closed (see EMAP Closes Big! Magazine). Also suffering losses are EMAP’s Minx and Smash Hits – both saw major falls in circulation over the past year.

EMAP has maintained the highest publisher’s share within the teenage market, with 42% of all titles in this sector. Attic Futura and BBC Worldwide also have fairly large shares in the market with 28% and 21% respectively.

A likely contender to feature in the next ABC audit could be the new teen magazine launched by Mollin Publishing in October of 99 – Jump (see Mollin Launches New Teen Mag). More competition is also on the way with the launch of Buzz in late March this year, a title from Practical Publications, which is aiming to tap in on the youth market by focusing on fashion music and interviews with famous stars.

(Subscribers see full item in the Press features list).

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