
Employers In The Dark On Internet Usage

Employers In The Dark On Internet Usage

Less than half of all UK employers know how long their staff are online and in many cases, employees are free to use the internet for non-work purposes. These are the conclusions of a new report from the ISP Star Internet.

The survey found that only 43% of bosses were aware of the amount of time that their workers spent on the internet and one in three openly encourages use of the medium. Star speculates that one reason for this may be because it is quicker to order items and book tickets online than it is to leave the office to do the same. It is also felt that a relaxed policy makes for better morale in the workplace.

Jos White, founder and marketing director of Star Internet said: “The internet is an essential tool for maximising business processes and productivity, as well as being something which many people turn to for recreation and leisure. Many employers feel that strict policing of internet usage is not conducive to a positive working environment.”

The study also sought to assess the importance of email to UK businesses. Almost one in five respondents said that their organisation could not survive more than a day without access to email, while less than one in ten thought that their company could operate indefinitely without it.

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