
European Ad Market To Grow By Over 4%

European Ad Market To Grow By Over 4%

European advertising growth is expected to grow by over 4% in the next year and overtake the US, according to a revised outlook from ZenithOptimedia.

The media agency has today announced that it has updated its European advertising forecast to 4.2% from 3.7%, after its 2003 Europe-wide prediction of 1.8% was beaten when growth reached 2.5% for the year.

Internet advertising is expected to be a key player in producing revenue and by 2006 will account for 2% of Europe’s major-media advertising budgets. The internet in the US is already twice as influential – where it accounts for over 5% of the market – than it is here in Europe.

Innovations in ambient, in-store, product placement, sponsorship and co-promotions are also attracting more spend, according to Zenith, and may partly explain the absence of rapid, inflationary recovery in traditional media which has been seen in past recoveries.

Advertising Expenditure 
Major Media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, cinema, outdoor, internet)
US$ Million, Current Prices
  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006 
North America  150,308  153,231  161,864  168,004  175,985 
USA  144,464 147,168 155,592 161,560 169,341
Canada  5,843 6,063 6,273 6,444 6,644
Europe  86,897  89,072  92,788  96,540  100,889 
France  10,777 10,769 11,111 11,450 11,843
Germany  17,712 18,037 18,509 19,019 19,888
Italy  8,503 8,783 9,127 9,496 9,890
Spain  6,099 6,278 6,523 6,793 7,085
UK  16,588 17,028 17,778 18,399 19,085
Asia-Pacific  66,211  69,771  74,256  78,267  82,367 
Japan  36,251 36,222 37,302 37,877 38,227
Latin America  14,052  14,452  15,226  15,991  16,964 
Rest of World  11,443  13,645  15,406  17,168  19,059 
Major Media Total  328,910  340,171  359,541  375,970  395,264 
Source: ZenithOptimedia, July 2004 

United Kingdom

In the update Zenith said that as with Europe, UK online advertising expenditure continues its rapid ascent. The sectors leading internet spend are finance, travel, IT and automotive, while entertainment and FMCG advertisers have greatly increased their expenditure.

The TV market seems to have been given a genuine restoration of confidence and as a result Zenith expects strong growth of 7% for the first half of 2004 and 5% for the full year, which has largely been fuelled by Euro 2004.

In print, press is buoyed by the retail, automotive and travel sectors and introduction of smaller-format versions of broadsheet newspapers have also helped, said the update. Magazines however are suffering because advertisers prefer to commit late but the launch of Nuts and Zoo is encouraging said Zenith as it allows new choice for advertisers.

The out-of-home sector has also benefited from innovation and the next general election, which will take place before May 2006, is expected to have a positive impact on this sector.

Radio is expected to gain market share with advertisers increasing total spend, rather than just shifting it from another medium. Proctor and Gamble continues to be the second-largest advertiser in radio.

United States

Throughout 2004, the US advertising market has shown sustained strength and the remainder of the year is expected to outgrow forecasts as the presidential elections and Olympic games further spur advertising spend.

Zenith has forecast that total major media advertising expenditure will grow by 5.7% in 2004, up 0.2% from the April forecast, with network and cable television driving the year-to-year increase.


Advertising expenditure in Japan stagnated during 2003 but Zenith thinks this now has turned a corner and expects spending to pick up during the second half of the year spurred by the general election to the Lower House and the Tokyo Motor Show.

The update says that advertising spend in Japan will reach a healthy 3% in 2004, and then moderate to 1.5% and 0.9% in 2005 and 2006 respectively.

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