
European B2B Trading Forecasts From Jupiter

European B2B Trading Forecasts From Jupiter

New research from Jupiter forecasts that although online B-to-B trade currently represents only 1.5% of all European business (Euros 200 billion), by 2004 Jupiter MMXI predicts that it will grow to 1.8 trillion Euros. Jupiter surveyed Europe’s 500 Net Markets (a virtual market where demand and supply for goods and services meet and are fulfilled) in January 2001 and predicts that fewer than 100 Net Markets will survive out of the 500 existing today.

The Jupiter MMXI Top Ten B-to-B Net Markets

Acequote UK Supplies for small and medium enterprises
Band-X UK Internet and telecoms bandwidth capacity
BuildOnline UK Construction
eumediX Netherlands Medical supplies
eu-supply.com Sweden Construction
Goodex Germany Industrial equipment and supplies
IngredientsNet.com Ireland Food Ingredients
mondus Germany Supplies for small and medium enterprises
PEFA.com Belgium Fish
Phonetrade Sweden Mobile phones

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