
European Broadband Revenues On The Rise

European Broadband Revenues On The Rise

The value of the Western European broadband access market is set to quadruple in the next four years, according to figures from The Yankee Group.

The research firm estimates that high-speed internet services generated almost $4.7 billion (€4.3 billion) in revenue last year. DSL is expected to drive future growth and it is forecasted that broadband revenues will total $18.9 billion in Western Europe by 2006.

Residential ADSL subscriptions are predicted to rise from 2.9 million to more than 33 million by the end of the forecast period with revenues increasing at a compound annual growth rate of 75%. Similarly, The Yankee Group forecasts that business DSL revenues will grow at a 78% CAGR as a growing number of SMEs recognise the benefits of the technology.

A lack of effective competition ensures that the cost of ADSL is significantly higher than cable. However, average revenue per user (ARPU) is expected to converge and stabilise at about $30 for ADSL and $27 for cable modem by 2006, as more players enter the market and high-speed services become more affordable.

Western European Broadband Revenues ($ million) 
   2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006 
Cable Modem Residential Revenue 474 1,052 1,635 2,036 2,376 2,618
DSL Residential Revenue 498 2,019 3,677 5,503 7,003 8,128
DSL Business Revenue 452 1,623 3,128 4,766 6,449 8,150
Total Broadband Revenue 1,424  4,694  8,440  12,305  15,828  18,896 
Source, The Yankee Group, 2003 

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