
European HD Market To Grow

European HD Market To Grow

A new report from Screen Digest forecasts that there will be up to 82 million European HD ready households by 2010 (48% of TV households).

Screen Digest says that HD TV set penetration is increasing rapidly due to the success of flat panel TVs and the European ‘HD ready’ logo endorsed and promoted by manufacturers, TV operators and retailers.

However, as HD ready households will need an HD-capable set top box, of the 82 million HD ready households in 2010, only 17 million will actually be watching HD broadcasts (10% of all TV households).

It adds that combined with the bigger sales of next-generation disc equipped game consoles (PS3 and Xbox360). It expects 4.5 million hi-def disc players to be sold in Western Europe in 2007, growing to 32 million in 2010.

A recent report from Strategy Analytics forecast that European sales of HDTV and video devices will grow by 158% this year, reaching 28.1 million units (see European Sales Of HDTV Devices To Reach 28.1 Million Units).

Meanwhile, Informa Telecoms & Media forecast that there will be 151 million HDTV homes worldwide by the end of 2011 – more than three times the number at the end of 2006 (see HDTV Could Be In 151 Million Homes Globally By 2011).

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