
European Internet Adspend Doubled In 2006

European Internet Adspend Doubled In 2006

A new report from IAB Europe reveals that online advertising spend in Europe doubled last year to £4.5 billion.

The advertising study, which examined data from 13 countries, found that France, Germany and the UK accounted for over three-quarters of all internet advertising spend.

The UK accounted for 39% of the total (€3.101 billion), Germany accounting for 22% (€1.752 billion) and France 15% (€1.179 billion).

The Netherlands is Europe’s fourth largest market at 7% (€564.3 million), closely followed by Italy at 6% (€480.2 million). Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Greece, Slovenia and Croatia account for the remaining 12% (€927 million).

The IAB findings mark the first time that the IAB’s 13 European outlets have carried out surveys specific to their countries.

Alain Heureux, president of IAB Europe, said: “These figures demonstrate without any doubt the significance of the European online advertising industry.

“The Interact Congress, the first of its kind, is the perfect platform for the presentation of this sector’s growing success and delegates will go away from here with the tools, knowhow and inspiration to grow the sector still further.”

Nicki Lynas, manager Entertainment and Media at PricewaterhouseCoopers, who audited the figures, said: “PwC are excited to be working with the IAB Europe on this advertising study. The total investment of Euro 8 billion demonstrates the rising importance of the internet as an advertising medium in Europe, and we look forward to seeing how much larger the market will be in 2007.”

A recent forecast from ZenithOptimedia says that global internet adspend will overtake radio in 2008, a year earlier than it forecast in December (see Internet Adspend To Overtake Radio).

In March, figures from the Internet Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers revealed that UK internet advertising expenditure grew 41% in 2006, breaking the £2 billion barrier (see UK Internet Advertising Spend Grows 41%).

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