
European Internet User Forecasts

European Internet User Forecasts

The number of internet users in the European region is forecast to reach 175.7 million this year and 221.2 million by 2004, according to a new report from eMarketer released today.

Whilst growth is beginning to slow, Europe will remain the second largest regional internet market, behind Asia-Pacific and ahead of North America.
European internet users (million) 
  Number Of Users (million)  % YoY Growth 
2001 144.4  
2002 175.7 21.7
2003 196.2 11.7
2004 221.1 12.7
Source: eMarketer, May 2002 

Consensus forecasts According to a consensus of growth forecasts, there will be 167.9 million users in Europe by the end of this year and 220.2 million by 2004, slightly ahead of eMarketer’s own forecast.

European internet users forecasts comparisons 
  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004 
eMarkater, April 2002 109.0 144.4 175.7 196.2 221.1
eTForecasts, July 2001 113.7 146.0 181.2 219.8 261.3
Gartner Dataquest, May 2001 100.2 127.0 149.8 166.6 178.2
Netsizer, October 2001 n/a 157.6 165.0 n/a n/a
Nielsen//NetRatings, March 2002 n/a 134.7 n/a n/a n/a
Average  107.6  141.9  167.9  194.2  220.2 
Source: eMarketer, May 2002 

Germany leads the way Germany currently has the most web users and will continue to do so at least until 2004, according to the forecasts. The growth rate is similar in most European countries and there is a general levelling off of this rate, as shown in the graph below.

However, Italy’s user base is growing more slowly than the other major markets of Germany, the UK and France. France surpassed Italy last year and is forecast to reach 26.7 million users by 2004. The UK will have 32.6 million users by this time, with Germany and Italy at 42.5 million and 21.9 million respectively.

Internet Users Forecasts By Country 
  Number Of Users (million) 
  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004 
Germany 24.0 30.0 36.7 40.7 42.5
UK 18.0 24.0 28.6 31.4 32.6
Italy 13.2 16.0 19.2 21.1 21.9
France 8.5 15.7 21.2 25.0 26.7
Source: eMarketer, May 2002 

Internet users in selected European countries, 2001 
  Number of users (million) 
Germany 30.0
Italy 24.0
UK 16.0
France 15.7
Spain 7.4
Netherlands 5.3
Sweden 4.6
Russia 4.3
Poland 3.8
Portugal 3.6
Switzerland 2.9
Regional median  2.9 
Belgium 2.9
Norway 2.7
Austria 2.6
Denmark 2.4
Finland 2.2
Hungry 1.5
Greece 1.4
Czech Republic 1.4
Slovak Republic 0.7
Estonia 0.4
Source: International Telecommunications Union, March 2002 

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