
Ex-Billetts chief involved in new start-up

Ex-Billetts chief involved in new start-up

Media Sense Former co-founder and CEO of Billetts Andy Pearch has joined forces with former MD of Carat Graham Brown to launch a new media performance management company.

Media Sense offers brand owners a “fresh, innovative and more strategic approach to engineering greater value and performance from media investments”.

The new company will service clients in the UK and internationally, under the umbrella proposition of “Media Governance”.

“Media Governance is about delivering better media productivity, better relationship management, better planning oversight and better pitch management guidance across all media channels, to clients who increasingly need more up-to-date evaluation tools,” said Pearch.

Brown added: “When looking to improve media performance, most of the effort has focused on implementation. Engineered performance requires fit-for-purpose organisations, strong supplier relationships and business-based planning strategies propelled by insight and innovation.”

Media Sense claims that the current processes for the measurement of online campaign effectiveness and efficiency are “inconsistent” and need a fresh approach.

Pearch and Brown plan to bring in a third partner, with digital expertise, to help head up the business.

For more information, go to mediasenseinternational.com

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