
Facebook is top social networking site in most European countries

Facebook is top social networking site in most European countries

Facebook Website Facebook had 275 million users worldwide as of February this year and is the top social networking site in Europe, according to new research.

The site became the #6 ranked web property worldwide with 275 million visitors in February, a 175% increase versus year ago, a report from comScore reveals.

In Europe, the site has seen a 314% increase to nearly 100 million visitors. In addition, one year ago, Facebook usage accounted for 1.1% of all minutes spent online in Europe, but by February 2009 that number had increased to 4.1% of all minutes.

Facebook also accounts for a full 30.4% of minutes spent in the social networking category, up from 12.3% a year earlier.

Facebook Growth in Europe, February 2009 v February 2008, Total Europe, Age 15+ – Home and Work Locations
Facebook.com Unique Visitors (000)
Feb-08 Feb-09 Percent Change Rank in Social Networking Category in Feb-09
Europe 24,118 99,776 314% 1
UK 12,957 22,656 75% 1
France 2,217 13,698 518% 1
Turkey N/A 12,377 N/A 1
Italy 382 10,764 2721% 1
Spain 515 5,662 999% 1
Germany 680 3,433 405% 4
Belgium 327 2,308 607% 1
Sweden 1,211 2,298 90% 1
Denmark 533 2,022 279% 1
Switzerland 282 1,690 499% 1
Norway 819 1,479 81% 1
Finland 555 1,341 142% 1
Netherlands 236 1,031 337% 2
Austria 112 663 491% 2
Ireland 203 512 153% 2
Russia 117 478 309% 7
Portugal 72 193 169% 3
Source: comScore World Metrix

Mike Read, comScore’s European managing director, said: “Facebook has very quickly taken a leading position across most of the European social networking market despite having a strong foothold in just a few European countries one year ago.

“Over the course of the past year, it has climbed the rankings in virtually every market and taken over the top position in several. Most recently, Facebook grabbed the top position in Spain after nipping at the heels of a leading local player for the past several months.”

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