
Few People Interested In Watching TV Via A Mobile Phone

Few People Interested In Watching TV Via A Mobile Phone

Television-enabled mobile telephones are on the horizon but new research has revealed that very few people are currently interested in this technology.

Although camera telephones caught on quickly, a survey by Lyra Research revealed that 53% of the 1,361 participants were either ‘not at all’ or ‘not very’ interested in watching television or videos via their mobile phone. Only 32% showed some interest, compared to a mere 9% ‘very’ and 5% ‘extremely’.

Lyra said that the disinterest in television-enabled phones stems from people having strong views on how this will impact society. Concerns ranged from increasingly inconsiderate users to questions about the quality of programming that could be delivered to a mobile device.

Mobile service providers will have a number of obstacles to overcome to convince mobile phone owners of the merits of mobile television programming, says Lyra.

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