
First Independent Global Media Services Company Launches

First Independent Global Media Services Company Launches

The Planet Earth Columbus Media International, the first independent global media services company, launches today, made up of BLM (formerly Booth Lockett Makin), Horizon Media of the USA and Cossette from Canada, plus ten other international firms.

The group says that it is designed to tackle the issues highlighted by recent ISBA research regarding advertiser dissatisfaction with multinational networks and take them on head-to-head for global media business. It also follows independent research carried out by EMM International that found some dissatisfaction among international marketers with their multinational media agencies.

EMM’s research said that nearly half (48%) of clients who have experienced consolidation of their retained media agency have seen no tangible benefits, while three-quarters (73%) of clients believe that media networks artificially influence media channel selection and 84% believe networks have agency deals with media owners as well as client deals.

With combined billings of US $4.2 billion, Columbus operates out of two central hubs in New York and London to manage clients’ business and pitch for regional and global new business. In addition, the new company provides global coverage across 18 territories including Europe, North America, The Russian Federation and Asia.

BLM’s Nick Lockett will oversee Columbus as chairman, with day-to-day management by newly appointed managing director for Europe, Kate Williams, and managing director for the Americas, Oliver Maletz. Bill Koenigsberg of Horizon Media and Pierre Delagrave of Cossette Media will be vice chairmen of the venture.

Nick Lockett said: “Columbus is a new model for international media planning and buying. It’s the only serious alternative to multinational networks and is long overdue. We’re going on the offensive, taking the networks on at their own game with a tried and tested network of partners hungry to compete on the global stage.”

Bill Koenigsberg added: “Horizon has been looking for a viable path into the global media arena for years. Columbus provides the ideal solution. We are able to provide our clients with the best service in every market. We have been able to personally evaluate and select the best media agency in every market so that our clients don’t have to.”

Pierre Delagrave said: “Our clients are demanding international strategy and implementation; they are lining up and ready to go. Columbus enables us to provide a consistent and quality service together with a like-minded approach across regions.”

Columbus Media International: www.columbusmedia.com

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