
Future of National Newspapers: Chris Blackhurst joins line-up

Future of National Newspapers: Chris Blackhurst joins line-up


On September 27 MediaTel will be hosting its seventh annual Future of Newspapers event in recognition of an ever-changing and deeply influential industry.

With another strong line up this year, MediaTel is very pleased to announce that Chris Blackhurst, who has recently moved from editor of the Independent to the broader role of content editor for the Evening Standard and Independent, has been added to the proceedings.

This year’s event expects to see innovation and shake-ups, with plenty to debate by a panel of senior experts.

Former BBC Correspondent Torin Douglas will be chairing the event, which will consist of two panels, with News UK’s commercial director Dominic Carter, Guardian News and Media’s commercial director Nick Hewat, and Evening Standard and Independent Print’s group managing director Andrew Mullins confirmed so far. More to be announced in due course.

Registration will begin at 9am at the RBS 280 building in Bishopsgate and the event will finish at 12.45pm for lunch. Early bird tickets are currently available at just £145 for the morning.

For more information on the day and how you can go about booking, see our events page.

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