
Game-changing DOOH sets the stage for a summer of sport

Game-changing DOOH sets the stage for a summer of sport
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With the Euros and Olympics expecting to attract huge audiences, brands have an unparalleled opportunity to reach them with innovative and precisely targeted DOOH.

Whether you’re a sports fan or not, the summer of 2024 is dominated by two major events: the Uefa Euros and the Olympic Games. These are more than just sporting competitions; they are major cultural moments. Even if we have a new UK prime minister on 5 July, they may well struggle to hold on to the headlines if England make it to the quarter-finals of the Euros the next day!

The football tournament expects to draw 2.5m football fans to Berlin alone and the Olympic Games anticipate 15m visitors to Paris. Recent survey data indicated that nearly half (46%) of British consumers plan to watch the Euros, with two in five (40%) planning to watch matches in pubs and bars (according to the BrandTrack survey).

Such huge crowds of engaged sports fans will provide an unparalleled opportunity for brands to reach audiences with innovative and precisely targeted digital OOH (DOOH) advertising that is delivered at the right time, every time, with messages that fans want to see.

The Route to reach the Euro pub crowds

Audience-first targeting

Technological advancement and innovation has transformed OOH from solely a brand-builder into a channel that delivers tangible, measurable results across the entire funnel.

Programmatic DOOH can target people based on their real-world behaviours, reaching them at multiple touchpoints across their daily lives. What’s more, with the data now at our fingertips, we have a far richer understanding of the contexts and mindsets in which we’re reaching consumers, meaning brands can serve up ads in a way that ensures maximum cut-through. Who wouldn’t look twice at an ad referencing England on the day of the Euros or one showing a live medal update from the Olympics?

Talon is working with PepsiCo’s audience and data-insight teams to gain a deeper understanding of its customers to help plan OOH strategies and campaigns. By ingesting its own first-party data into our data management platform Ada, we can gain a deeper understanding of its target audiences and their behavioural patterns.

Fuelling our OOH plans with this data allows us to challenge our own biases to uncover alternative, relevant hotspots ripe for highly targeted and localised DOOH creative, increasing the chances of cutting through with new customers.

By embracing this new way of thinking, PepsiCo has benefited from an increase of more than 40% in buying efficiencies by finding new ways to show up to its prospective buyers.

Ed Sanderson, head of media and connections at PepsiCo, said of our partnership: “By integrating our first-party data into Ada, PepsiCo has gained crucial insights into our audiences and how they behave out of home, enabling more precise and impactful DOOH campaigns — and contributing to what we believe is a winning OOH strategy. Harnessing the power of data and technology has boosted our buying efficiencies and enabled us to reach new customers across the UK.”

Particularly during sporting events, the power of DOOH is unmatched by any other media. Clear Channel UK’s latest research shows that 77% of sports audiences notice the advertisers associated with sports events, with a brand perception uplift of 68% attributed to OOH sports advertising.

With a richer understanding of its audiences, PepsiCo is now set to maximise efficiencies across the summer. It is utilising OOH as a platform to extend its Champions League and Euros partnerships, maintaining daily communication with its consumers through relevant content that speaks to their own interests.

Embracing the future

Advancements in technology over the last decade fuels brands with the data that powers OOH campaigns to go the distance and the results are compelling: audience-first OOH campaigns that use our demand-side programmatic platform Atlas are 1.3 times (+34%) more effective than social media at driving brand preferences and generate a 5.2% increase in purchase intent.

So, it’s game on this summer. When the opportunity to connect meaningfully with dedicated sporting audiences is unparalleled, using programmatic OOH as part of an omnichannel strategy will enable brands to stand out from the crowds.

Nicola Fox squareNicola Fox is head of programmatic at Talon

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