
Gender Parity Of Online Europeans Will Take 7 Years

Gender Parity Of Online Europeans Will Take 7 Years

The rate of growth of the number of women online in Europe is so slow that if current patterns continue, it will be 2010 before there are as many women as men using the internet.

According to new research from Nielsen//NetRatings, 42% of European internet users were women as of May 2003; this represents a very slight growth on the 41% of last year. In the US, by comparison, 51% of web users are female.

In the UK women make up around 45% of home internet users, second to Sweden where the proportion is approximately 47%. In Italy, women still account for less than 40% of the online population and this figure has actually decreased since May 2002, says Nielsen//NetRatings.

Female Internet User Base In Selected Countries 
  Unique Audience (000)  % Of All Users 
France 4,839 43.4
Germany 9,547 41.4
Italy 4,390 37.5
Netherlands 2,965 44.2
Spain 3,020 41.7
Sweden 1,834 47.0
Switzerland 1,159 43.3
UK 7,985 45.2
US 62,510 51.8
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, June 2003 

“Getting more women online matters because there is still the perception of the internet as a very male-dominated place. That needs to change in order for a greater range of sites to win a large female audience. Changes are taking place but it’s a very slow process in some markets,” according to Nielsen//NetRatings European market analyst, Tom Ewing.

The report says that the sites that attract female users include shopping, travel, education, finance and health and beauty services, particularly in those countries with a higher proportion of women online. Portals designed specifically for women appear to be less attractive with only one – ivillage.co.uk – appearing in a top ten list of visited sites.

Top Women’s Websites in the UK, May 2003 
  Unique female audience  Female % of total audience  Category 
next.co.uk 234,000 82.9 Shopping
neopets.com 183,000 67.9 Gaming
gus-secure.co.uk 241,000 65.3 Shopping
marksandspencer.com 255,000 57.2 Shopping
debenhams.com 250,000 54.3 Shopping
abbeynational.co.uk 261,000 49.2 Finance
mytravel.com 241,000 49.2 Travel
ox.ac.uk 239,000 47.1 Education
ivillage.co.uk 324,000 46.6 Women’s Portal
tesco.net 265,000 46.4 Shopping
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, June 2003 

“The market responds to women coming online by providing sites they will want to see,” commented Ewing. “What’s interesting is how well specialised and practical sites do – shopping or local guides, for instance – whereas portals specifically designed for women have a much lower profile.”

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