
Global Advertising Forecasts From Ad Barometer

Global Advertising Forecasts From Ad Barometer

Worldwide advertising expenditure will rise by 1.7% this year and by 3.2% in 2004, driven by a stronger market in the United States, according to the latest Ad Barometer report from Interdeco.

The figures concur with recent commentary that conditions in Europe are weaker, whilst the US markets continue to show more positive growth. European advertising is expected to decline by 0.1% this year, before pushing back into positive growth of 2.5% next year. The UK is forecast to be a little stronger, up by 1.1% in 2003 and by 3.3% in 2004.
Regional Advertising Growth Forecasts 
  Growth (%) 
  2003  2004 
UK 1.1 3.3
US 2.8 4.1
Europe -0.1 2.5
Global 1.7 3.2
Source: Interdeco/Ad Barometer, October 2003 

TV and outdoor lead the way The television and outdoor sectors are expected to be amongst the strongest of the major media in terms of advertising growth. The Ad Barometer report forecasts that TV revenue will rise by 2.1% this year and 4.5% next year in a global market up 1.7% and 3.2%. Outdoor is forecast to rise 2.0% and 4.4%. Magazines and newspapers are weaker.

In Europe the picture is similar with TV growing by 0.3% and 3.1% this year and next, in a market down 0.1% and up 2.5% respectively.

Global Advertising Growth Forecasts 
  Growth (%) 
  2003  2004 
Newspapers 1.0 0.9
Magazines 0.9 2.2
Television 2.1 4.5
Radio 2.7 3.4
Outdoor 2.0 4.4
TOTAL  1.7  3.2 
Source: Interdeco/Ad Barometer, October 2003 

European Advertising Growth Forecasts 
  Growth (%) 
  2003  2004 
Newspapers -0.3 1.6
Magazines -2.0 2.0
Television 0.3 3.1
Radio 0.8 2.0
Outdoor 1.7 4.6
TOTAL  -0.1  2.5 
Source: Interdeco/Ad Barometer, October 2003 

For a consensus of all the latest advertising forecasts compiled by MediaTelINSIGHT click here.

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