
Global And Regional Ad Growth Forecasts From Merrill Lynch

Global And Regional Ad Growth Forecasts From Merrill Lynch

The latest global and regional advertising forecasts from Merrill Lynch are shown here. The broker has brought down its global growth figure for 2003 from 2.7% to 2.0%, but 2004 has been tweaked from 5.0% to 5.1%.

Europe’s performance is slightly weaker than the previous range of 1.0-2.0% growth, now at 0.0-1.0%. Latin American forecasts remain unchanged and Asia Pacific is brought down from 2.0% to 1.0% for 2003.
Advertising Growth Forecasts 
  2003  2004 
Non-US 0.8 3.9
Europe 0 to 1.0
Latin America 1.5 3.0
Asia Pacific 1.0
Japan  -2.0  4.0 
Hong Kong  0.0  3.0 
Global 2.0 5.1
Source: Merrill Lynch, May 2003 

For Merrill Lynch’s latest US advertising growth predictions click Latest US And Global Ad Forecasts From Merrill Lynch.

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