
Global Mobile ISP Revenue Will Reach $18.4 Billion By 2008

Global Mobile ISP Revenue Will Reach $18.4 Billion By 2008

According to the report, Wireless Internet Access over Unlicensed Spectrum: An Alternative to 3G Mobile Data Networks from Pioneer Consulting, wireless internet promises to be a lucrative market with global equipment revenues expected to grow from $3.1 billion in 2002 to $19.1 billion in 2008.

Pioneer believes that the internet and mobile markets will converge to form a lucrative revenue stream for service and equipment providers.

Global Mobile Equipment & Wireless ISP Revenue Forecasts 
  2002  2008 
Mobile Equipment Revenues 3.1 19.1
Mobile Service Provider Revenues 1.0 18.4
Source: Pioneer Consulting, May 2002

According to Pioneer Consulting, the market for wireless internet access will begin to take off over the next few years, as mobile operators, wireless ISPs, and fixed operators begin to build ‘hot spot’ locations based on 4G technology and 2.5G and 3G networks. The report predicts that service provider revenues for mobile and wireless Internet access will grow from $1.0 billion in 2002 to $18.4 billion by 2008.

“Lower equipment costs, higher bandwidth services, access to corporate intranets, and focus on high-traffic areas will help 4G succeed where previous generations of mobile data struggled,” says Paul Kellett, senior director of research at Pioneer Consulting. “In addition, the large potential user base created by the phenomenal growth of wireless networking will help to spur the rapid growth predicted for public access.”

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