
Google: Consumers expect brands to offer ‘click-to-call’

Google: Consumers expect brands to offer ‘click-to-call’

94% of UK smartphone users have, at some point, needed to call a business directly when searching for information on a mobile, according to a new study from Google.

Commissioned to understand the use of the click-to-call option in mobile search, the research found that 42% of respondents had used the function – primarily driven by the need to talk to a real person.

Click-to-call is a form of Web-based communication in which a person clicks an image or link on-screen to request an immediate connection with another person in real-time.

Click-to-call – for which the average conversation is six minutes – is seen as most important for mobile searchers in the purchase phase, with the research revealing that 48% find it “extremely important” to be able to call a business when they are about to make a purchase, and 36% needing it when researching an item or service.

The findings also suggest that businesses that do not offer the option risk damaging their brand image and could lose customers. 36% of mobile searchers indicated that they would be more likely to explore other brands if click-to-call was not offered, while 32% said they would feel frustrated or annoyed with the brand, and 30% disappointed.

Previous research from the tech giant revealed that click-to-call increases the average ad click-through rate by 8%, further demonstrating the value of the service.

“Globally, we know that 40 million calls are driven by Google Ads each month so it’s fair to say that click-to-call is a clear sales driver,” said Ian Carrington, director of performance solutions and innovation at Google.

“Moreover, for businesses that haven’t yet built a responsive or mobile site, click-to-call is a great way to ensure consumers can still reach your business easily, showing that mobile advertising doesn’t just have to be for the mobile-ready.”

click to call

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