
Google is top US search provider in January

Google is top US search provider in January

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An estimated 6.8 billion US search queries were made via Google in January, according to new figures from The Nielsen Company.

Around 66% of all US search queries were carried out on Google during the month, Nielsen said, with Yahoo! Search in second place at 14.5% and MSN/Windows Live/Bing in third with a 10.9% share.

Top 10 Search Providers for January 2010, Ranked by Searches (US)
Rank Provider Searches (000) Share of Searches
All Search 10,272,099 100.00%
1 Google Search 6,805,424 66.30%
2 Yahoo! Search 1,488,476 14.50%
3 MSN/Windows Live/Bing Search 1,116,546 10.90%
4 AOL Search 251,762 2.50%
5 Ask.com Search 194,161 1.90%
6 My Web Search 112,356 1.10%
7 Comcast Search 59,608 0.60%
8 Yellow Pages Search 35,101 0.30%
9 NexTag Search 34,736 0.30%
10 BizRate Search 20,123 0.20%
Source: The Nielsen Company

At the end of January, research from comScore revealed that the US remains the largest search market worldwide.

It said that in December 2009 there were more than 131 billion searches worldwide, a 46% increase year on year. The US was the largest individual search market in the world, with 22.7 billion searches – approximately 17% of global searches.

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