Google takes the lead in the US smartphone battle

Google Android has taken the lead to become the largest smartphone platform in the US for the first time with a 31.2% market share, according to comScore.
Samsung remains the top handset manufacturer overall with a 24.9% market share, though Google Android has taken the lead in the smartphone market, after two months in second place.
234 million Americans used mobile devices in the three month period to January 2011. Overall, Samsung leads the market, with LG in second place (20.8% market share), followed by Motorola (16.5%), RIM (8.6%) and Apple (7%).
comScore data found that 65.8 million people in the US owned a smartphone during the three month period, up 8% on the previous period. Google Android ranks number one for the first time, with RIM in second place (30.4%), followed by Apple (24.7%).
In terms of market share by operating system, Nielsen data shows that Android is also pulling ahead – with a 29% share, compared to RIM Blackberry and Apple iOS, which both hold a 27% share.
However, RIM and Apple are the only device makers creating and selling smartphones with their respective operating systems.
In January, 68.1% of U.S. mobile subscribers used text messaging on their mobile device, while browsers were used by 37% of subscribers (up 0.8 percentage points), according to comScore.
Social networking sites or blogs were accessed by 25.3% of mobile subscribers; playing games 23.7%; and listening to music 16.5%.
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