
Google To Launch Agency Incentives To Drive Ads On YouTube

Google To Launch Agency Incentives To Drive Ads On YouTube

YouTube Logo Google is set to launch a new agency incentive programme to push advertising on its YouTube online video platform.

The incentive programme, which will launch in January, follows the end of the Best Practice Funding (BPF) commissions for search campaigns.

Google is currently approaching agencies with plans to drive online video growth through incentives and funding for research, according to reports.

The search giant’s three development plans include research projects, campaign activity and financial incentives, though Google confirmed the financial incentives for ad campaigns on YouTube were “not BPF”.

Jonathan Gillespie, head of media solutions at Google, said: “BPF was put in place to drive search and it has come to an end as it has done its job.

“This is a different scheme but it is a package of measures which are about growing online video with agencies,” he added.

Google hopes the programme will increase its understanding of how users consumer video and interact with online video advertising by investing in joint research projects with agencies.

The company also said its “increasingly collaborative approach with agencies” will help the industry to understand how consumer behaviour in online video is changing.

Google plans to use Tangozebra, a division of DoubleClick, to develop creative video and display campaigns, in-game advertising and podcasting with agencies.

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