
Greed and Clueless Executives” To Blame For Dot-com Failures?

Greed and Clueless Executives” To Blame For Dot-com Failures?

Research from Pew Internet and American Life apportion some of the blame for the dot-com ‘meltdown’ in recent months on “overeager investors looking for quick profits and poor business plans by dot-com entrepreneurs” along with the youth and relative inexperience of many internet companies’ management.

67% of struggling dot-commers blamed the greed of the entrepeneurs whilst 56% blamed inadequate or ill-conceived business plans. Youthful inexperience was blamed by 38%. 26% of Americans who are aware of the downturn in the dot-com economy worry that it will have a major impact on the U.S. economy whilst 61% consider it only a minor concern.

“Americans are saying that greed and haste made waste among dot-com investors,” says John Horrigan, author of the report. “The desire to chase a huge windfall overshadowed clear thinking about how Internet companies would actually make money. But even if speculation got the better of a lot of Internet investors, Americans do not see the dot-com shakeout affecting the entire economy very much.”

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