
GSMA and comScore announce UK Launch of Mobile Media Metrics

GSMA and comScore announce UK Launch of Mobile Media Metrics

Mobile Phones

Yesterday saw the official UK launch of GSMA Mobile Media Metrics (MMM), offering census-level internet usage data from all five UK mobile operators.

The new product – launched at the BFI iMax cinema in London by the GSMA and comScore, in partnership with operators O2, Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile and 3UK – is based on “anonymised, census-level data for mobile internet usage across the networks, augmented with demographic data collected with the consent of a representative sample of mobile internet users”.

Rob Conway, CEO and member of the board of the GSMA, said: “The underlying principle of Mobile Media Metrics is to deliver valuable and actionable reporting tools to the media industry, while respecting the privacy of individuals. Access to transparent measurement is essential in establishing mobile as a legitimate advertising medium, and Mobile Media Metrics is a critical element in advancing this process.”

Richard Foan, Managing Director of ABCe and Chair of JICWEBS, said: “The initiative undertaken by the GSMA and comScore is a great step forward for mobile media.

“Based on ABCe’s independent validation of Mobile Media Metrics, advertisers, agencies and media owners can rest assured that key metrics are compliant with and endorsed by the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards (JICWEBS).”

According to MMM pre-production data*, 16 million people in the UK accessed the internet from their mobile phones in December 2009, viewing a combined total of 6.7 billion pages and spending an aggregate of 4.8 billion minutes online during the month. The top 10 sites accounted for 70% of both total pages viewed and total time spent online on mobiles during the month.

Top 10 UK Mobile Internet Sites Dec-2009* Source: GSMA Mobile Media Metrics
Total Unique Visitors (000) Total Pages Viewed (000) Total Minutes (000)
Total Mobile Internet Audience 15,947 Total Mobile Internet Audience 6,659,428 Total Mobile Internet Audience 4,792,411
Facebook.com 4,986 Facebook.com 2,635,771 Facebook.com 2,156,886
Google Sites 4,567 Google Sites 894,273 Google Sites 395,576
Telefonica Mobile Networks 3,731 Orange Sites 252,294 Microsoft Sites 165,725
Orange Sites 3,553 Apple Inc. 177,648 Orange Sites 138,529
Vodafone Group 3,310 AOL (inc. Bebo) 158,988 AOL (inc. Bebo) 106,446
Yahoo! Sites 1,995 Vodafone Group 135,003 Apple Inc. 104,118
BBC Sites 1,851 BBC Sites 104,303 Vodafone Group 89,126
Microsoft Sites 1,639 Microsoft Sites 103,566 BBC Sites 83,614
Apple Inc. 1,525 eBay 95,662 Flirtomatic 54,503
Nokia 1,147 Flirtomatic 92,654 Yahoo! Sites 48,685

Full production data for the MMM Core Reports will be released in March 2010 based on February data. The GSMA and comScore are planning a full complement of additional MMM products to measure mobile usage of applications, search, reach and frequency, ad tracking, and ad effectiveness, as well as linkage of the MMM database to Kantar Media’s Target Group Index (TGI).

*As the operators ramp up to full delivery of anonymised data to comScore, the MMM database has been populated with a subset of December data – “pre-production data” – from three operators. Pre-production data for January from four operators will be delivered later in February 2010, with delivery of full production data from all five operators anticipated in early in Q2 2010.

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