
Guardian Cover Price Increases

Guardian Cover Price Increases

Guardian The price of the weekday and Saturday editions of the Guardian has increased by 10p, with the Saturday edition now selling at £1.50, whilst the weekday paper will sell for 80p from today.

Following the rise, which came into effect on Saturday, retailers will receive 35.40p per copy of the Saturday Guardian, 23.6% of the cover price, up from 33.04p, and 20p per copy on the weekday edition, 25% of the cover price, up from 17.5p.

A statement in Saturday’s Guardian said: “At a time when many news organisations are cutting staff and expenditure on reporting, the Guardian remains committed to investing in the quality journalism that has seen it collect more major awards then any other title over the last two years.”

The latest ABC figures, for August 2007, show that the Guardian fell by around 7,100 copies year on year to leave it at 355,750 (see ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: August 2007).

The Times had its own price rise earlier this month, with News International upping it from 65p to 70p, bringing it into line with the Daily Telegraph and Independent.

In June, the Financial Times raised its cover price from £1 on weekdays to £1.30, with its weekend edition also seeing an increase, by 30p to £1.80 (see Financial Times To Raise Price).

Meanwhile, the Sun recently cut its price from 35p to 20p in London and the south-east (see The Sun Gets South-East Price Cut).

The Guardian: 020 7478 5240 www.guardian.co.uk

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