
Guardian is set to relaunch mobile site

Guardian is set to relaunch mobile site

Guardian Online Guardian.co.uk is set to launch its first optimised mobile site, following an increase in mobile users visiting the website.

The site, which will be named M.guardian.co.uk, will be relaunched next month and is expected to be optimised for all phones including the Apple’s iPhone and the BlackBerry, according to reports.

The Guardian hopes its new mobile content offering will bring the design of the optimised site in line with the rest of the publisher’s digital properties and “provide a faster, simplified service”.

The site will be supported by advertising, sponsorship and tailored cross-platform campaigns in partnership with mobile ad specialists 4th Screen Advertising, as well as Google Ad Words on every page.

Guardian News & Media’s commercial director, Adam Freeman, said the new site aims to capitalise on the growing mobile market and meet the needs of advertisers.

Emily Bell, director of digital content, added: “It has been our strategy for a long time to put Guardian journalism in front of as many people as possible and on as many platforms as possible.

“The way it was structured in the past made that difficult but the site rebuild and the new platform means far easier access to content.

“Mobile has also been fiendishly difficult for content providers because of complex relationships with networks but particularly with the growth of the iPhone and smartphones with full web browsers, it would be perverse for us not to make our content more accessible.”

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