
Half Of Britons Now Online, Says NOP

Half Of Britons Now Online, Says NOP

Internet penetration in Great Britain hit the very significant 50% mark in June this year, according to the latest edition of the Internet User Profile Study from NOP World.

Women are currently driving the uptake, says the study, which shows that the growth rate translates to 6,000 new users per day over the last twelve months.

Users take to online shopping The good news for online retailers is that over half of these users bought products or services via the web in the last six months. More than a third shop more regularly, within a week of the survey.

Clothes, electrical goods, groceries, computers and holidays are all large spend items, along with books and CDs remaining very popular.

On a more technical note, the report finds that a third of users say that they have abandoned a ‘shopping trolley’ online, leaving chosen goods unordered. The study says that poor usability, payment security concerns and delivery times are still deterring some buyers from making purchases: an important message for e-tailers.

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