
Havas Reports First Annual Revenue Growth In Five Years

Havas Reports First Annual Revenue Growth In Five Years

Havas has reported its first growth in annual revenue in five years, with full year revenue at €1.47 million, compared to €1.46 million for the previous year, an increase of 0.8%.

Excluding exchange rate and scope of consolidation changes, organic growth for 2006 was 0.6%.

The UK reported its strongest quarterly growth for five years, which Havas put down to a “remarkable performance by advertising, corporate communication and healthcare communication”.

Elsewhere, Latin America saw revenues rise 19% over the year and 26.9% in the fourth quarter, with most countries reporting double digit growth.

Net new business was €1.9 million in 2006 with Lehmann Brother ranking Havas as number one for new business in 2006.

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