
Havas Sees Continuing Ad Decline In 2002

Havas Sees Continuing Ad Decline In 2002

French advertising network, Havas, has posted revenues down 3.4% year on year for the first half of 2001. The fall adjusted for currency changes and acquisitions stood at 5.4%, according to ABN Amro.

However, the figures were more or less in line with the broker’s expectations and new business wins in the first half were very similar to those of H1 2001.

Outlook Havas says that there is unlikely to be any advertising upturn before the end of this year and is predicting that the global market will decline year on year in 2002. There has so far been no rise in adspend in 2002.

Havas Revenues By Discipline 
  Revenue H1 2002 (E million)  Organic Growth H1 2002 
Traditional advertising 373 -9.6%
Marketing Services / Media 656 -2.7%
TOTAL 1,029 -5.4%
Source: Havas, July 2002 

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