
Highest ever market share of UK box office for indy British films

Highest ever market share of UK box office for indy British films


Independent figures published today by the BFI show UK audiences embraced independently made British films as never before in 2011.

According to information tracked by the BFI Research and Statistics Unit, films such as The King’s Speech, The Inbetweeners Movie and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy helped drive the market share of UK box office for British independent films up to 13.5% – the highest ever recorded.

This increased audience for independently made British films came within a strong year for UK cinemas generally, with total admissions at 171.6 million in 2011, up 1.4% on 2010 and the third highest total of the last decade. The gross value of box office for the year was £1.04 billion, up 5% on 2010 and the first time that UK takings have broken through the £1 billion barrier.

Within this total, the market share for all British films at the UK box office, including both independents and those shot in the UK but financed from abroad, reached 36.2%, up from 24.0% in 2010. This strong performance was driven by the popularity of both British independents and blockbusters made in the UK, such as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, Ed Vaizey, said: “2011 was an amazing year for British film and for audiences, but it’s vital that we make sure this success continues throughout 2012 and beyond. Lord Smith’s recent review of film policy highlighted ways to remove barriers to production and ensure that film plays an important role in driving economic growth. I look forward to working with the BFI and the industry on the review’s recommendations and ensuring that we continue to nurture and grow this thriving sector of industry.”

Total investment in UK-based film production reached £1.26 billion in 2011, a new record for the British film industry.

Check out MediaTel.co.uk’s Cinema database for the latest weekly, monthly and annual Top Ten Films, as well as Annual Admission figures for 2011.

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