“I Wouldn’t Publish Magazines If..”

Chairman of Reed International, Peter Davis took exeption to John Blake’s speech, saying that is was out of date and ill-informed. He is looking to the past and not the present, claims Davis, and cites Sainsbury’s long standing successful magazine campaign as a case study which can crush his argument (Davis was previously assistant managing director in charge of sales and marketing with the food store chain.)
The argument tied in with his own speech “I wouldn’t publish magazines if..” as he pointed out the effectiveness of magazines in attracting target audiences. The proportion of total reading time spent on special interest magazines is gradually creeping up, he maintains and the number of consumer launches, 1,000 in Reed since 1980, shows the strength of the market. He quotes a recent survey conducted by the Henley Centre comparing the effectiveness of advertising in various media, including television, radio, press and magazines. Magazines emerged at the top of the list.
He believes that magazines “offer advertisers a first-rate vehicle to reach distinct segments of the population in just the right frame of mind to receive relevant messages.” Davis sums up with four points. He wouldn’t publish magazines if;
a) They didn’t give good returns b) He didn’t read them c) He didn’t think they had a bright future ahead of them and d) If he thought they would soon be replaced by another medium.
Hence the reasons that he DOES publish magazines.