
IAB Europe Relaunches AllAboutCookies.org

IAB Europe Relaunches AllAboutCookies.org

Internet Popups IAB Europe, has unveiled plans to relaunch and expand its popular AllAboutCookies.org data service, with the system explaining the data protection issues around the use of cookies and giving guidance to website publishers to ensure they have effective cookie policies in place.

The data service will benefit web publishers, marketers and media owners, as well as consumers, giving publishers a “fast track” way to comply with regulations. Turning to consumers, AllAboutCookies.org, offers a resource that demystifies cookies and shows the benefits of cookie tracking and management.

The move sees the IAB continue its increased commitment in explaining the role that cookies play in enabling online commerce, marketing and free media. Since its creation in 1998, IAB Europe has been campaigning to maintain the freedom to use cookies in the marketing industry.

Explaining the need for such a system, Christopher Wagner, European chief executive officer of 24/7 Real Media and IAB Europe Leadership Council member said: “In a changing legal landscape it is important that the industry’s trade body forms a bridge between government and industry participants, to ensure that legislation is well-informed and implemented in consistent fashion, always focusing on optimising the benefits of the end user.”

Layla Pavone, president of IAB Europe added: “This is the sixth wave of expansion of IAB Europe under the new management team. All five programmes remain critical to the IABs across Europe, but our work with the government at European level helps set the legislative framework for the whole industry.”

AllAboutCookies.org enjoys high rankings in search engines, with the relaunch making the site visitor as well as search engine friendly.

A study done last summer by WebTrends, identified the misuse of cookies as one of the main reasons that marketers were lacking confidence in measuring their web marketing (see Advertisers Lack Confidence In Web Measurement).

The WebTrends research showed that just 5% of marketers surveyed claimed they were “very confident” in the measured effects of their web marketing, while a massive 39% have “no idea” what method their website is currently using to identify unique visitors and 20% have a comprehensive set of metrics to measure campaign performance.

Despite the clear lack of knowledge revealed by advertisers using the internet as a medium to reach their audience, online advertising is performing strongly, with the latest report from the IAB showing online adspend in the UK to have reached £490.8 million in the first half of 2005, forecasting it to exceed the £1 billion mark by the end of this year (see UK Online Adspend To Pass £1 Billion).

IAB Europe: www.iabeurope.ws

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