
IDC Forecasts Massive Growth In Online Trading In Asia

IDC Forecasts Massive Growth In Online Trading In Asia

IDC forecasts that by 2005 the total number of online trading accounts in the Asia/Pacific region (exc Japan) will rise to 42 million as the popularity of eInvesting grows.

“The securities industry in Asia/Pacific is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities brought about by the emergence of new digital channels, market deregulation, industry consolidation and shrinking stock turnover”, said Kit Yau, a Research Manager at IDC Asia/Pacific. “Including the Internet and wireless devices into the array of trading channels is becoming a prerequisite to remain competitive.”

“It is important to sign up new customers as soon as possible and convert existing clients to online trading,” Yau continues. “But, in order to be successful in the long-term, firms will need to aggregate client assets and provide a strong customer relationship management (CRM) solution”.

Online Trading Accounts In Asia/Pacific Region (Exc Japan) 2000-2005

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