
IDC Reveals Plans To Monitor 3G Development

IDC Reveals Plans To Monitor 3G Development

IDC is to launch a new research programme to look specifically at developing 3G wireless technology, focusing on the future outlook for the network. IDC describe the 3G network as “a complex platform that is revolutionizing the way voice, data, and broadband multimedia services are supported over a variety of mobile and fixed networks” and aim to help companies understand the complex technologies and exploit them to their best commercial advantage.

“3G has captured the world’s collective imagination in terms of the substantial cost, convenience, and economic benefits consumers and providers can derive from it,” said Shiv Bakhshi, research manager for IDC’s Third-Generation Wireless Infrastructure program. “However, the migration to a full-blown 3G system represents a complex, high-stakes process, weighted by confusing technical and economic claims. Anyone with a stake in this evolving industry needs to understand the legal, political, economic, technological, and sociocultural trends that enable and inhibit the evolution to third-generation mobile communications.”

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