
Increase in US video consumption

Increase in US video consumption


A new report measuring US video consumption across TV, online and mobile has found that the average American now watches a record 141 minutes of TV per month.

According to Nielsen’s latest A2/M2 Three Screen Report for Q2, the US mobile video audience increased 70%, while time spent watching online video was up 46% year on year – a real term increase of 59 minutes.

Recent research from comScore found that almost 160 million US internet users watched online video during July, the largest audience ever recorded.

eMarketer recently forecast that US online video spending will account for 11% of US online ad spending and 5.5% of US TV ad spend.

Perhaps surprisingly, the increase in watching video on other platforms has not meant that traditional TV suffered, the Nielsen figures show, with time spent watching TV increasing by 2 hours and 2 minutes year on year.

Time-shifted viewing has also increased, with Americans watching 1 hour and 11 minutes more time-shifted TV in Q2 than they did in the second quarter of 2008.

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