
Increased Broadband Demand Will Drive Satellite Access, Says Pioneer

Increased Broadband Demand Will Drive Satellite Access, Says Pioneer

New research from Pioneer Consulting suggests that the increased demand for internet access and the subsequent increase in demand for broadband services may lead to significant growth in the satellite broadband market. The broadband access market, worth $480.5 million in 2001, is forecast to be worth $1,649.57 in 2008 as broadband subscribers number 8.2 million.

Global Estimated Internet Users 1989-2008* 
1989 0
1990 5
1991 4,324
1992 6,897
1993 9,298
1994 15,979
1995 34,052
1996 57,427
1997 93,442
1998 152,189
1999 233,321
2000 344,620
2001 460,256
2002 1,254,291
*All figures 000s
Source: Pioneer Consulting, January 2002
The market for broadband satellite service providers is expected to grow from $1.1 billion in 2001 to almost $27 billion in 2008 whilst opportunities for equipment suppliers will increase from $0.6 billion to $1.6 billion by 2008.
Worldwide Internet Bandwidth Demand (in Gbps) 
  2001  2008 
North America 1,049.2 21,931.2
Latin America 173.9 16,495.4
Europe 885.9 27,373.0
Asia Pacific 1,191.2 31,192.9
Africa/ROW 51.0 1,890.9
Total  3,351.2  98,883.4 
Source: Pioneer Consulting, January 2002

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