INR1 Licence Applications

The Radio Authority has released further details of the three applications received for the first national franchise INR1 (Newsline 22/5) The three bidders are Classic FM, First National Radio and UKFM.
Classic FM would provide “easy access listening to the popular masterworks of the great composers.” Classic FM reversed its decision, made in March, to withdraw from the bidding and yesterday rejoined the fray.
Classic FM was originally backed by Carlton Communications and the Daily Telegraph. However, since they withdrew their backing the West Country Radiogroup GWR has stepped in.
First National Radio pledged to provide a popular entertainment service which would include music from stage, film, concert hall and records. FNR has financial backing from Showtime, which bid unsuccessfully for Capital Radio in 1983.
UKFM, the Radio Clyde / Hanson consortium, intends to provide melodic music-based programming, contemporary easy listening, movie theme tunes, popular classical music and big band music.
The Radio Authority received anadditional application from Metronome which appears to be unacceptable under the terms of the Broadcasting Act 1990.
The Authority hopes to announce the successful applicant in July.
Classic FM: David Astor 071-351 7507 David Maker 071-706 3420
First National Radio: Robert Kennedy 081-332 1518 Sir Peter Parker 071-637 0369
UKFM: James Gordon 041-306 2202 Richard Findlay 031-557 2003
Radio Authority: 071-581 2888