
Insight Analysis: Average Prime-Time Viewers Age With Population

Insight Analysis: Average Prime-Time Viewers Age With Population

The average age of viewers to US prime-time television is getting steadily higher, according to an analysis of research from The Media Edge on Mediaweek.com.

The average prime-time viewer was 39.4 years old during the 1990-91 television season, according to the report; they are now 41.1 years old. With the younger cable viewers factored out, the average age of prime time viewers to the broadcast networks reaches 42.4 years, says the article.

A similar trend is occurring in the composition of the UK’s prime-time television audience for ITV. The share of viewing from 16-24 age category fell from 9.0% to 7.8% between May 1994 and May 2001, according to BARB data. The 45+ group grew from 20.3% to 20.6% and the 65+ rose from 30.0% to 31.3%.

BARB Audience Profile (%) – Adults 
  16-24  25-34  35-44  45-54  55-64  65+ 
May-01 7.8 15.8 15.3 16.3 14.3 31.3
May-94 9 15.3 15.3 15.5 15.5 30
Source: BARB/MediaTel

Meanwhile percentage of the UK population as a whole over the age of 55 is expected to grow from the current 26% to 36% by 2025; the 35-44 group will fall from 28% to 24% and 15-34s will decline from 27% to 23%, according to the Government Actuary’s Department.

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