
Interactive video ads double purchase intent

Interactive video ads double purchase intent


Interactive video ads double purchase intent without negatively impacting completions or clicks, according to new research from TubeMogul.

The company’s Innovid research found that there was a notable brand lift with interactive ads, compared with regular pre-roll, with brand awareness 3.6% higher for interactive ads (10.6%).

Purchase intent for interactive ads was 9.9%, while just 4.4% for standard pre-roll ads.

The findings also revealed that click-rates were virtually identical for interactive and regular pre-roll, with both averaging 0.9%.

However, despite the fact that interactive video ads pause video playback when a viewer chooses to engage with a state of additional content, the completion rate was 2% higher for standard pre-roll (69.9% v 71.9%).

TubeMogul’s research found that certain brand categories saw higher engagement rates than others, with restaurants, technology and CPG brands averaging 1% or higher. Entertainment, retail and automotive all fell beneath the 1% mark – 0.9%, 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively.

“Television has always been the branding medium of choice for marketers given its unique scale and storytelling power,” said Nick Reid, UK managing director of TubeMogul.

“As online video replicates and even supplants established broadcast mediums, marketers naturally think of it as just an extension of their TV buys – the same strategy on a new screen. But with a new medium comes new possibilities for branding, and many are beginning to leverage the interactivity and customisation that digital video makes possible.

“The data tells a clear story: interactivity doubles purchase behaviour without compromising message recall or completions. This research is one proof point among many that we are ushering in a new era in creative advertising – one that involves the users more than ever before.”

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